
2021年2月26日—“Headsup”的實際意思=為了「通知」(toinform)對方要注意某事或用來「警告」(towarn)對方某件事情。它比較常見的用法就是“givesomebodyaheads-up( ...,定住你那顆左右擺動,不安定的頭吧!也就是「保持鎮靜」的意思唷!例句:.,大量翻译例句关于keepyourheadup–英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。,别一直看地上啦,会让你看起来不真诚外加分心哦。把头抬起来,眼神也专注点吧。,tobeveryconfidentandproud:If...

【外商英文】必學!4個外商精英常掛在嘴邊的詞彙!'Heads ...

2021年2月26日 — “Heads up” 的實際意思=為了「通知」(to inform)對方要注意某事或用來「警告」 (to warn)對方某件事情。它比較常見的用法就是“give somebody a heads-up ( ...

keep your head 不是要你護著頭,是要你「冷靜」!

定住你那顆左右擺動,不安定的頭吧! 也就是「保持鎮靜」的意思唷! 例句:.

keep your head up - 英中

大量翻译例句关于keep your head up – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。

Translation of "keep your head up" in Chinese



to be very confident and proud: If you know that you did your best, you can hold your head high.

hold your head (up) high

If you know that you did your best, you can hold your head high. 如果你知道自己已經盡全力,你就可以昂頭挺胸,無愧於心。 (Translation of hold your head (up) ...

What is the difference between hold your head up and ...

2021年2月28日 — “Hold your head up high” is an expression which means “be confident and proud of yourself”. Without “high”, I think it just means “hold your ...

English idiom of the day! “Keep your head up” Meaning

English idiom of the day! “Keep your head up” Meaning: Stay strong, keep going Example: “Learning a new language is hard, but you have.

hold your head up

hold your head uphold your head up ; (also hold your head high) to behave as if you are proud of yourself or respect yourself ...